haha.. nice comic.. =)kenwooi.com
I do not understand until I scroll down to read wordings. It is homosapiens who killed the crocodilesfor food and skin. Mother crocodile skin is made into handbags and and father's skin into shoes. Pity, pity.
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Plot :
is the flow & structural plot of the movie itself.
Storyline :
the overall idea & the concept of the movie.
The character's overall acting & character built-up in the movie. Or for animation, the voices & character built-up too.
Effects* :
The visual effects, 3D effects, movie scores/music, graphics, animation of a movie respective to it's genre.
SO, there it is. Thanks! :)
haha.. nice comic.. =)
I do not understand until I scroll down to read wordings. It is homosapiens who killed the crocodiles
for food and skin. Mother crocodile skin is made into handbags and and father's skin into shoes. Pity, pity.
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