Monday, March 22, 2010

Korea Trip [ PART 5 ] - Namdaemun Market.

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[ PART 5 ] - Namdaemun Market.

Here is PART 5 Of The Korean Trip Series...

Alright, the pictures above of a busy street is the ' Namdaemun Market '
But, this is ain't any ordinary market; later you will find out why!

This market sells all sorts of food, snacks, souvenirs & much much more!! And if you have read my older posts here, the ' Zhar Jiang Mein ' ( sauce noodles ) restaurant is located here!

( above )
It has a Tourist Information Center in the middle of this market!!! And another one at another area of the market. This is what you don't normally see... This is why I said is ain't any ordinary market.

And you might see many people carrying food trays on their HEADS!!! ( above )
They are actually delivering food.

Thank You.
That's All For Now!!

1 comment:

JLean said...

Checking out ere. =)

Movie Rating Guide. :)

Lately, I've changed my movie ratings a little. (:

Plot :

is the flow & structural plot of the movie itself.

Storyline :

the overall idea & the concept of the movie.


The character's overall acting & character built-up in the movie. Or for animation, the voices & character built-up too.

Effects* :

The visual effects, 3D effects, movie scores/music, graphics, animation of a movie respective to it's genre.

SO, there it is. Thanks! :)