Look at the words below from left to right . Say out the Colour NOT the Words.

This is a left to right conflict. The right side of your brain tries to say the colour while the left insists on reading the word.
Okay! That's All For Now!!
The vehicle can transport a driver and passenger in its open cockpit. The open cockpit design is intended to allow the occupants to escape easily in case of emergency. When underwater, the occupants breathe air carried in the vehicle through scuba-style diving regulators. Without occupants, the sQuba will surface automatically. The twin water jets mounted on rotating louvers at the front of the vehicle provide steering and lift while it is underwater and the propellers at the rear provide forward movement.
Video About sQuba >
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Every pilot faces uncertain weather, rising costs, and ground transportation hassles on each end of the flight. The Transition® combines the unique convenience of being able to fold its wings with the ability to drive on any surface road in a modern personal airplane platform. Stowing the wings for road use and deploying them for flight at the airport is activated from inside the cockpit. This unique functionality addresses head-on the issues faced by today’s Private and Sport Pilots.
Terrafugia’s award-winning MIT-trained engineers have been advancing the state-of-the-art in personal aircraft since 2006. Now you can streamline your flying experience with the revolutionary integration of personal land and air travel made possible by the Transition® Roadable Aircraft.
Plot :
is the flow & structural plot of the movie itself.
Storyline :
the overall idea & the concept of the movie.
The character's overall acting & character built-up in the movie. Or for animation, the voices & character built-up too.
Effects* :
The visual effects, 3D effects, movie scores/music, graphics, animation of a movie respective to it's genre.
SO, there it is. Thanks! :)