Monday, September 21, 2009

Optical Illusions [ 2 ] - Albert Einstein & Marilyn Monroe Illusion!

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' There's More Than The Picture That Meets The Eyes... '

hen you look at this picture close range you see
Albert Einstein.

Now stand up and take several steps back, roughly 15 feet away,

The picture will become... Marilyn Monroe !!!

This Is Just Another Optical Illusion...

Can't Believe It??!!

2 comments: said...

great pic! nanged u! nang me if u want to join Nuffnang-force now! We are FBI too.... nang me! Thank you!

James said...


Movie Rating Guide. :)

Lately, I've changed my movie ratings a little. (:

Plot :

is the flow & structural plot of the movie itself.

Storyline :

the overall idea & the concept of the movie.


The character's overall acting & character built-up in the movie. Or for animation, the voices & character built-up too.

Effects* :

The visual effects, 3D effects, movie scores/music, graphics, animation of a movie respective to it's genre.

SO, there it is. Thanks! :)